Tuesday 7 November 2017

Another universe inside a blackhole

To know what is inside a black hole first we need to understand what it is actually.
A black hole is a giant sink which sucks matter and packs it into an extremely small amount of space resulting into an
enormous amount of gravitational field from which even the fastest thing of the universe which is light cannot escape
because the escape velocity of a black hole exceeds the speed of light,that is what gives the hole a black colour because no light can
escape the gravitational pull of black hole but if we assume space as a fiber like a trampoline then weight of the black hole is too much that it will puncture the
trampoline of space and all the matter will fall into other dimension which means that somewhere in other dimension there will be a white hole which throws matter out of it
it,it is even possible that a white hole is also present in our dimension which we have not found yet
for know black holes are the only means we think of travelling into other dimension is possible but we cannot travel through a black hole bet you know why

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